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VJP 2023

Trial Results

Nina della Ca' Rigada  | 73 points

Nitro della Ca' Rigada | 70 points

Nadia della Ca' Rigada | 63 points

Nikita della Ca' Rigada | 112 points (8 months) P.1 NAVHDA

Nando della Ca' Rigada | 105 points (6 months) P.2 NAVHDA



Benny vom Quarrygrove and owner trained with Simone to qualify as a first time handler with 65 points in Auburn, NY. Congratulations and thank you - it has been an honor to work with you both.

HZP 2022

 Trial Results

Loraxe della Ca' Rigada | 174 points

Lukka della Ca' Rigada  | 188 points

VJP Success

Test Prep

Cooper vom Wasser Zuruck and owner trained with Simone to place first in their VJP with 70 points in Elmer, NJ handled by Simone. Congratulations and thank you for the opportunity to train and handle Cooper.

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Max della Ca' Rigada and owner trained with Simone to place first in their VJP with 70 points in Auburn, NY handled by Simone. Congratulations and thank you for your trust in owning, training, and testing with Ca' Rigada.

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VJP 2022

 Trial Results

Maciste della Ca' Rigada  | 71 points

Max della Ca' Rigada | 70 points

Loraxe della Ca' Rigada | 69 points

Lilly della Ca' Rigada | 66 points

Maisie della Ca' Rigada | 64 points

Lukka della Ca' Rigada  | 64 points

VJP 2020

Trial Results

Lux IV vom Böckenhagen earns top score (4, very good) on his Emergency Solution Tracking test.

Jokoba della Ca’ Rigada - almost one yea
USA Relocation 2020

Hello, America!

Ca' Rigada Kennel relocated to the USA to Connecticut! Please contact us to inquire about available studs and upcoming litters. 

Contact Us
VJP 2019

 Trial Results

Helde della Ca' Rigada | 77 points - AH, Suchenseiger, Spurlaut

Isa della Ca' Rigada | 64 points - Sichlaut

Italy Breed Show 2019

Ring Performance

... almost as good the field. Ianko della Ca' Rigada (pictured with owner/handler Claudio Tenerini) places first for young males (Trophy Ermenegilda Cecchini), while Fulda della Ca' Rigada takes 2nd for intermediate females.

May 2019

Working Dog

Havana della Ca' Rigada (owner/handler Manuela di Trapani) appears on Italian national TV for her search and rescue work in Unita Cinofila Partenopea al TG 3 in Naples. Havana is an FCI certified SAR dog for disaster scenarios.


Beretta Debut

Simone and Dogs debut in the Beretta Catalogue (Cora della Ca' Rigada pictured above)


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(c) 2025 Ca' Rigada Kennel LLC | Simone Favalli

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